
publications autoproduites à diffusion alternative

A Collective Webzine

D I Y , lo-fi, and free art about our fat bodies, our fat feelings, our fat pride. This zine openly opposes sizeism and fat-oppression.
Visual Arts
Because we have nothing to lose.

collective zine edited by Pierre-Luc Landry

Queer: The Isolation We Choose?

This zine tries to disrupt the toxic economy of male desire in sports through the portrayal of three queer individuals who express their queerness and inhabit their body through athletic activities. I observed them while they were practising. As an observer, I took notes and pictures, and drew their portraits without judging or beautifying them; I wanted to show the truth, their truth.

I focused on individual sports to honour how Mark, Melody and Nik deal with their bodies and their limits. The three subjects of the zine are deeply anarchists, and their world-view participate in disrupting the mainstream representation of the homocon queer character.